Meteoric Teachings is the personal site of Alok Prateek.

I'm a multi-talented human with over 11+ years of experience in a wide range of design disciplines. I have designed, built and tinkered with digital products for a considerable time. I'm currently self-employed and am working with a selected freelance client base.

Cover showing aside profile of Alok Prateek

How can I help you?

As a freelancer, I love to work with startups, consultancies, and established companies. I don't put a lot of stock in job titles, but I've been called a product designer, experience designer, UX Developer, Information Architect, full-stack developer, webmaster, advisor, creative technologist, or by any other market-defined function title. I believe that extensive experience has given me practical skills allied with real-world pragmatism.

Put simply, I'm great at making things work on the web — technically, aesthetically, and always rooted in what your user needs. I can help you with:

  • ideation/requirement gathering workshops
  • brand identity and collaterals
  • planning and development of minimum viable product (MVP)
  • systems & information architecture
  • migration of web infra between cloud providers

If you have an idea, I can surely help. Do get in touch, and we can connect anytime.

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    Long pieces of text mostly about design and web development.
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    Rants, inspiration, thoughts, and other things you should find in a blog.
  • Works

    Hand-picked selection of things I've designed, illustrated, and developed.
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